REMEMBER: Be sure to read Chapter 2 of "Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens" and be ready for an awesome book discussion on Oct 13!
This week's Inspirements:
1- In your Truth Book make two lists:
- make a list of some of the things you love to learn about
- then make a list of things you would like to learn about
3- Write the quote from the meme at the bottom of this post from President Uchtdorf in your Truth Book, and write it in a BIG and bold way. You could even color it and draw >designs< around it if you want to. :)
1- Do the Apprentice Inspirements.
2- While watching General Conference this weekend, listen for a talk that feels meaningful to you. In your Truth Book, write a few sentences about that message and what it means to you.
3- Watch this video: "Education - The Glory of God is Intelligence" and then write about the following thoughts in your Truth Book:
A. Do you feel that this man is exemplifying what it means to be a statesman? Remember, a Statesman is a man or woman of virtue, wisdom, diplomacy, and courage, who inspires greatness in others and moves the cause of liberty/righteousness.
B. Write a couple sentences describing what feelings you think this man has about education and it's importance in his life. And then, do you feel this way about your learning/education? If not, would you like to?
1- Do the Apprentice and Journeyman Inspirements.
2- Read this article and consider what it means to you. Write your thoughts in your Truth Book. "Education is a Commandment"
3- Teach someone about the Phases of Learning that we talked about in class. Really work hard to help them understand them. You should have great notes in your Truth Book. :) (Core Phase, Love of Learning Phase, Scholar Phase, Depth Phase) You can even use play-doh to illustrate it if you want to. :)