Friday, December 9, 2016

THANK YOU to each and every one of you for doing such a tremendous job on our service project last week! You got every bit of that blue tape and sticky stuff off the floor.
You guys are the best!

There's only One Inspirement this week:

Read chapter 4 of TJEd for Teens! 
You will LOVE this chapter!

Everyone who reads the chapter and is ready for our discussion next week on the 15th will earn a tasty reward!

Let's ALL do this!!!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Product DetailsIMPORTANT NOTE:

Chapter 4 of TJEd for Teens is due Dec. 15
instead of the 8th.
This is the BEST chapter! You will love it!

We will be doing our service project at the PAC in Core on the 8th. Yes!


We've been so blessed to come to our new location at the PAC! What a great place to hold ASA! We talked a lot about the stewardship we have to take care of our new building, so we thought it would be good to have the inspirements this week be about stewardship.

This week's Inspirements:

 "…our life on earth is a stewardship of time and choices granted by our Creator. The word stewardship calls to mind the Lord’s law of consecration…" (Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Reflections of a Consecrated Life, Ensign, November 2010.)
Consider and discuss with someone or record in your Truth Book about the following. 

Apprentice Inspirements:
1. Read this about what "Steward/Stewardship" is. 
- What is a steward and what are their responsibilities? Discuss with your parents what it means to be a good steward.
- Who are stewards in your life? Make a list in your Truth Book. Find a way to express your gratitude for the responsible stewards in your life. 

Journeyman Inspirements:
1. Do the Apprentice Inspirements.
2. Listen, watch or read:

Master Inspirements:
1. Do the Apprentice and Journeyman Inspirements.
2. Consider the following questions and write your answers in your Truth Book.
- As you understand stewardship and responsibility better does it change your perspective towards stewards in your life? In what ways?
- What do you have stewardship for? What is one thing you can do to improve upon one area in which you have stewardship?

Monday, November 21, 2016

Product DetailsEnjoy reading Chapter 4 "Falling in Love" of TJEd for Teens and be ready for an AWESOME book discussion on Dec. 8.

Remember, each person who reads the chapter and is ready for the discussion on Dec. 8 will receive a tasty reward!


No Inspirements this week

Friday, November 11, 2016

Heads UP! Each person who reads TJEd for Teens chapter 4 "Falling in Love With Learning" and is prepared for an awesome discussion of it on Dec 8, will receive a reward!
Be one of them! 


This week in Core Leadership we had a couple of wonderful guest speakers come and teach us about their experiences while serving a Self Reliance mission in the Philippines. Their presentation was wonderful! They shared how powerful it is for a person to gain the skills and education that can then propel their life forward, lift them from poverty and help them to better live a full and enriching life. We are so appreciative of Brother & Sister Hansen for taking their time to come share with us!

This week's Inspirements

1. Print out these two maps that are linked below and learn more about the Philippines. Follow the instructions on the papers then show your finished papers to one of your parents.(Be sure you have your parent's permission if you want to search for these answers online.)
World Map
Philippines Map

1. Do the Apprentice Inspirements.

2. Brother & Sister Hansen talked about how their mission was spent helping people become more self-reliant, and how as they learned to become more self-reliant, they were able to grow and improve their lives. What areas in your life could you learn to be more self-reliant? Make a list in your Truth Book.
Some examples might be:
  • keeping up in my student planner
  • remembering to do my chores without being reminded
  • getting up in the morning when I'm supposed to
  • doing my school assignments now instead of pushing them off until later
Prayerfully consider your list and choose one thing from it and work diligently at being more self-reliant in that one thing for 3 days. At the end of the 3 days, report to your Heavenly Father how it went.

  1. reliant on one's own powers and resources rather than those of others.

1. Do the Apprentice & Journeyman Inspirements.

2. Look up Self-Reliance Services on These are the tools that Brother & Sister Hansen used to teach the people in the Philippines. Spend 1/2 hour or more perusing this incredible information, learning about the things that are interesting to you. Then tell someone about something interesting you learned from this site.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Thank you, Scholar Society, for a great lesson last Thursday!

Heads up:
Read TJEd for Teens Chapter 4 by Dec. 8.
You're going to LOVE this chapter! 

This week's Inspirements

1. In TJEd for Teens it says, "Great mentoring changes your life. If you want a truly great education, find and follow good mentors." (pg 50)
    - In your Truth Book, identify and write down the names of good mentors you have in your life right now. They might include your piano teacher, Sunday School teacher, parents, friend, neighbor, books, etc. Think deep and broad and write down as many as come to mind. 
    - During this month of November, make an increased effort to express your gratitude to each one of them. :)

1. Do the Apprentice Inspirement.

2. Watch these two video clips from the movie "Karate Kid." Observe how Daniel (the mentee) is being mentored by Miyagi (the karate mentor.) Daniel has come to Miyagi asking him to teach him karate. Miyagi agrees but has a curious way of beginning his teaching...

3. Daniel was asked to do things that didn't seem to have anything to do with karate. But because he submitted himself to Miyagi's mentorship, he finally began to understand and began to see the value in it. 
    - Do a Word Study on the words Submit/Submission. (How to Do a Word Study) This will be an awesome study!

1. Do the Apprentice and Journeyman Inspirements.

2. As you step more willingly into the role of Mentee, you will learn more and more that your greatest and most trusted Mentor is your Father in Heaven. Neal A. Maxwell gave a tremendous talk about the need of being willing to submit to Him to achieve our greatest potential. Print out this talk and read it thoroughly, underlining and annotating as you go. For a deeper experience, pray before you read it, asking Heavenly Father to teach you specifically what you need to gain from reading it.
Willing to Submit
President Nelson: "If we will humbly present ourselves before the Lord and ask him to teach us, He will show us how to increase our access to His power." #LDSconf #LDS #quotes:

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Next week, Thursday November 4th, is the date of our next discussion on TJEd for Teens!
Chapter 3 - "Mentors"

If you haven't already, START THIS CHAPTER RIGHT AWAY!
Image result for heads upThis is a super awesome chapter and it has some self-reflection questions in it to answer, as well as other really great questions.

If you will give yourself to this chapter and it's questions, you will be so blessed to learn things about yourself that you didn't know before!


This week's Inspirements

Because chpt 3 from TJEd for Teens is SO important for you to read and answer the questions in it, the Inspirements for this week are pretty short and sweet. Enjoy them!

Read each of these scriptures and the quote from Pres. Hinckley. Choose one of them that is meaningful and copy it into your Truth Book.

Gordon B. Hinckley:
"None of us...knows enough. The learning process is an endless process. We must read, we must observe, we must assimilate, and we must ponder that to which we expose our minds. You cannot afford to stop. You must not rest in your development... There is so much to learn and so little time in which to learn it." (Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley, pg 298)

1. Do the Apprentice Inspirement.

2. Have some fun with these Trivia Questions - There's no need to score yourself, just see what things you know, and then learn the answers to the things you didn't know. Have fun with this! :)


1. Do the Apprentice & Journeyman Inspirements.

2. I came across this short video clip from an interview with former Supreme Court Justice, David Souter. Watch it and see what he says about civil ignorance and freedom. After watching it and pondering the message, write in your Truth Book a sentence or two about it's meaning to you.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

We had a great discussion on chapter 2 of TJEd for Teens today! Good job to everyone who read it and was prepared! And thank you to Scholar Society for their great job of leading the discussions and for the great lesson today! 

Be sure to read Chapter 3 of TJEd for Teens by Nov 3rd!
(that's 3 weeks from today)

This week's Inspirements are a little different! 
Read below!

There's only ONE Inspirement this week, and everyone who does it will earn Master level for it!

If you don't have one right now, choose a book that is a classic to you, and READ!
If you're already in the middle of a great book, keep READING! 
Since we have Fall Break this next week, you have 2 weeks before we meet again. Soooo, just enjoy yourself and READ and READ.... Come to class on Oct 27 prepared to tell your group what book you've been reading and take about 30-45 seconds to tell why you like it. Awesome!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Be sure to read chpt 2 of TJEd for Teens for our discussion this week! Your team is counting on you!

A “classic” is a work — literature, music, a piece of art, movie, a game — that’s worth returning to again and again AND you gain more from it each time.

This week's Inspirements:

Is everything you like a classic? Think of the music, movies, books, art, poems, literary works, etc, that you have read or seen. Would you consider these things classics? Or are they not necessarily classics, but just things you like? Really take a few minutes to think about what being a classic means, that is "worth returning to again and again" and that “you gain more from it each time?"
What sets a classic apart from the things we just like?

Image result
1. In your Truth Book, make two lists. Label one list "Classic" and label the other list "Just Enjoy." Think of the music, movies, books, art, poems, literary works, etc, that you have experienced and put them in one of those two categories. Try to come up with at least 10 things to put on your paper.

2. If you don’t have anything in your “classic” group start a treasure hunt for a classic you think you would enjoy. (Hint: there is a list at the end of chapter 2 of TJEd for Teens for some suggestions.)

1. Do the Apprentice Inspirements.

2. In your Truth Book, choose one of the things on your "Classic" list and record what made it a classic to you.

3. Find someone who has experienced one of your classics and discuss it with them. If you can’t find someone who has already experienced it, come up with way to get them EXCITED about experiencing it.

4. Identify at least one classic you have not experienced and find a way to access it and begin it.

1. Do the Apprentice and Journeyman Inspirements.

2. Print out and read this article. Mark it up: highlight, underline, write notes or questions in the margins, draw pictures or graphic over the text.
Does this article open your eyes to see classics and experience them in new ways? Record any thoughts, feelings, impressions from this article in your Truth Book.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Great class today everyone!!!

REMEMBER: Be sure to read Chapter 2 of "Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens" and be ready for an awesome book discussion on Oct 13!

This week's Inspirements:

1- In your Truth Book make two lists:
  • make a list of some of the things you love to learn about
  • then make a list of things you would like to learn about
Work toward having at least 10 things on each list! Share your lists with your mom or dad, or in your evening prayers with your Father in Heaven, so they can help you with your learning.

2- Watch this video "You Can Learn Anything" then tell someone about what you learned from it.

3- Write the quote from the meme at the bottom of this post from President Uchtdorf in your Truth Book, and write it in a BIG and bold way. You could even color it and draw >designs< around it if you want to. :)

1- Do the Apprentice Inspirements.

2- While watching General Conference this weekend, listen for a talk that feels meaningful to you. In your Truth Book, write a few sentences about that message and what it means to you.

3- Watch this video: "Education - The Glory of God is Intelligence" and then write about the following thoughts in your Truth Book:
A. Do you feel that this man is exemplifying what it means to be a statesman? Remember, a Statesman is a man or woman of virtue, wisdom, diplomacy, and courage, who inspires greatness in others and moves the cause of liberty/righteousness.
B. Write a couple sentences describing what feelings you think this man has about education and it's importance in his life. And then, do you feel this way about your learning/education? If not, would you like to?

1- Do the Apprentice and Journeyman Inspirements.

2- Read this article and consider what it means to you. Write your thoughts in your Truth Book. "Education is a Commandment"

3- Teach someone about the Phases of Learning that we talked about in class. Really work hard to help them understand them. You should have great notes in your Truth Book. :) (Core Phase, Love of Learning Phase, Scholar Phase, Depth Phase) You can even use play-doh to illustrate it if you want to. :)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thank you to our Awesome Scholar Society for doing excellent work at leading the book discussion on the first chapter of TJEd for Teens, as well as teaching a great lesson! You each did a terrific job!

Image result for heads up

 Read Chapter 2 of TJEd for Teens by Oct 13! That's the date we'll be having the discussion on it. Be sure to read it so you're prepared! :)


1. If you haven't already, read Chapter 1 of TJEd for Teens. (Do it! You'll be glad you did. :)

2. In your truth book, copy the quote from Pres. Uchtdorf that is in the meme at the bottom of this post. Ponder this quote and let it settle down into your heart.

1. Do the Apprentice Inspirements.

2. In your Truth Book, do a Word Study on the word "Genius." Strive to understand the meaning of this word in relation to how it used in this first chapter of TJEd for Teens. 

How to do a word study:
A. Look up the word in Webster 1828 dictionary. (It is also available online.) Select the definition for your focus. Write the definition in your Truth Book.
B. Underline key words in your definition that stand out to you and define them.
C. Look at how the original word is used in Scripture/Conference addresses (not in general quotes or other articles, at least for this purpose). Write any new insights or definitions.
D. Rewrite the definition in your own words and how you are going to apply it.

3. Watch this video "Homeless Boy Steals Talent Show". What does this video have to do with genius?

1. Do the Apprentice and Journeyman Inspirements.

2. After watching the video clip above, ponder on the meaning of what the lady says at 7:38, "Regardless of his hard life, he passionately runs toward what he really wants, and even talented ones rarely have that passion."

In your Truth Book, write your thoughts about this lady's comment and this young man's story. Here are some things you might want to consider as you write: 
  • Why do some people with talent not work hard to develop it?
  • Do I do this?
  • Why do people with few resources or a seeming lack of talent work so hard for things they want?
  • Do I work this hard? Do I believe in myself and in who I want to become?
  • Is there anything I want so much that I'm willing to give great effort to it?
  • If you have resources/ability/talent/desire, is there something inside of you telling you to work harder at it? What is one or two things that you can do to move forward in this regard?
3. In your Truth Book, write a paragraph describing the "YOU" you want to be 50 years from now. (See TJEd for Teens pg 10) Fifty years will go by no matter what you do. Will you just be old then, or will you be old and victorious?
Dieter F. Uchtdorf:

Friday, September 16, 2016

What a great class it was today! Thank you, everyone, for being so awesome and for participating so fully! You are a terrific group of youth!

The inspirements for this week are below, but before we get into them, I just wanted to share a couple things:

Product Details1- Be sure to read chapter one, 'Your Future', in "Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens" by next Thursday, Sept 22. BE PREPARED TO DISCUSS this awesome chapter with the class. The group discussion will be lead by members of the Scholar Society and it will go super well if EVERYONE is prepared! 

2- Today we learned a bit about the value of answering questions with more than a Yes/No answer.  You can watch a video of a tv game show with this game. Be advised this is a youtube video, please make sure it's ok with your parents before you watch it. (Also, skip to about 1:39 to skip the intro)

This week's Inspirements

Today in class we started at the beginning - What is the Core of things? We discussed how everything we do is based off of our understanding of the Character and Nature of God. Your Inspirements this week are an invitation to dive in and learn more about the Character and Nature of your Heavenly Father. This is an invitation to get to know Him. 

1. In the first Article of Faith, what is the very first phrase? _____________ Do you think it is just happenstance that Joseph Smith began with that phrase to explain our beliefs?

2. Watch these short videos:

3. If you haven't done so yet, read Matthew 22:36-40 and copy it into your Truth Book. Begin memorizing it.

1. Do the Apprentice Inspirements.

2. Look up these scriptures and find key words that describe Heavenly Father. Write down these key words in your Truth Book and title it "Character of God."

1. Do the Apprentice and Journeyman Inspirements. 

2. Read Lectures on Faith, lecture #3, The Character of God. You might like to print it and mark things as you read.

3. Think about and then write about these questions in your Truth Book:
     A. What have I learned about the nature and character of God?
     B. From what I have learned from the scriptures, Lectures on Faith, and inspiration I have received, how does Heavenly Father feel about me? 
     C. And how do I feel about Him?

BONUS, not required: Read/watch this talk by Andrew Skinner at BYU, The Nature and Character of God