Chapter 4 of TJEd for Teens is due Dec. 15
instead of the 8th.
This is the BEST chapter! You will love it!
We will be doing our service project at the PAC in Core on the 8th. Yes!
We've been so blessed to come to our new location at the PAC! What a great place to hold ASA! We talked a lot about the stewardship we have to take care of our new building, so we thought it would be good to have the inspirements this week be about stewardship.
This week's Inspirements:
"…our life on earth is a stewardship of time and choices granted by our Creator. The word stewardship calls to mind the Lord’s law of consecration…" (Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Reflections of a Consecrated Life, Ensign, November 2010.)
Consider and discuss with someone or record in your Truth Book about the following.
Apprentice Inspirements:

- What is a steward and what are their responsibilities? Discuss with your parents what it means to be a good steward.
- Who are stewards in your life? Make a list in your Truth Book. Find a way to express your gratitude for the responsible stewards in your life.
Journeyman Inspirements:
1. Do the Apprentice Inspirements.2. Listen, watch or read:
1. Do the Apprentice and Journeyman Inspirements.
2. Consider the following questions and write your answers in your Truth Book.
- As you understand stewardship and responsibility better does it change your perspective towards stewards in your life? In what ways?
- What do you have stewardship for? What is one thing you can do to improve upon one area in which you have stewardship?
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